Sunday, November 11, 2012



Well... I don't know exactly when the term "japorms" originated but it's a slang term for "porma" which is also another slang term for having style in clothing. What?! haha. Porma literally means form but usually used as a jargon for styling in the 80's or 90's [I think haha].

For the past Halloween and November holidays, my vacation was just plain. The rest of the family wasn't able to join my mother in visiting our deceased love-ones since travelling to province without a car and with a toddler is quite hard and impractical. 


My little brother Koko [3yrs. old] likes seeing pictures of people and also of himself. Yes. which also means he likes to "magpa-picture". I was thinking of something to do [good thing I don't have school works] and there came an idea. :) 

vain little bro + me [nothing to do] = photoshoot! ^^,

Model: Karlo Jozef Raym "Koko" L. Garcia
Styling/Photography/Post-processing: Keisha Garcia
Assisted by my sister Kiara Garcia :)

more photos at my Facebook :) 

feel free to like and/or comment <3

-Cha :)