Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Listener ... What kind am I?

Listener ... What kind am I? 

          Before that, I asked myself. Am I a listener? Do I like listening? Am I good at it or not? To answer all that questions, I would say, I DON'T KNOW. I DON'T REALLY KNOW. 


          Upon evaluating myself, I see that I'm the so called "engager" type. These are people who listen with their eyes, ears, mind and heart. People like this tend to listen attentively. This one is quite a good label but I'm not saying that I'm always like this. Sometimes it depends. 

          At home, I'm much of the opposite. In fact, I'm the deaf-est member. 

"Ate ang bingi mo talaga!" 

          That's the usual lines. I'm not doing it on purpose. It's just that my sensory pulses were not acting coordinately that's why I don't understand what they were saying and not even notice that they were calling me. So.. enough of the sciences. To make it short, I find it weird that whenever I'm home, I'm out of focus. 

          At school, I think I listen not only because I need to but also it's kind of a ritual to me. This is where I'm some part of the "engager" type of listener. The difference I've observed to some of my block mates was that if a teacher let's say is boring and the topic is not interesting then they will go to their "own worlds" already. I remember in HS, a friend of mine told me how I manage to listen at a long period of lazy hour. I replied with a question. "You, how did you manage to talk to other and do stuffs and worst sleep while someones talking in front?" "If you want to learn and be respected, you should learn how to respect others too." I added then smiled. 

          When conversing to others, I listen well because it's my way of responding to them. Sometimes I let them do much of the talking. When a person consults or talks to me, again, I listen BUT filters are combative! 

          All in all, I can't say that I'm good in listening. To be honest, not all times that I listen is productive. I, too, get bored specially if it really is but I try as much as I could to absorbs everything. If a message passes through my left ear, it can be stored or just fly out of my right ear. Just a sharing, whenever we have a listening test, I don't get the perfect score. It 's a proof that I can't easily process information after hearing them. 

         TAKE NOTE! No matter what type of listener you are, still there were rooms for improvement and changes. Just be in it. :)


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hometown Childhood Memories :) *dies*

Hometown Childhood Memories :) *dies*

I was born in Morong, Rizal. 

I lived in Angono, Rizal. 

I have had my toddler memories on both Angono and Binangonan, Rizal. 

          Rizal is a beautiful place! Rizal is where my mother’s clan live. My first home is an apartment in Angono. I remember its red-colored floor. Floor wax! yeepee :)) There were 4 doors in the whole apartment. We were on the 3rd from the gate. Barangay Kalayaan is my first community. Hmmm.. memories. I only recall a few but they mean a lot. I celebrated my 1st birthday there. I had a party in the apartment where relatives and friends were invited. My parents, with the help of some photographs,  were telling me stories about it. During my birthday, I had this tradition of picking stuffs from a container or, in my case, a "bilao." Elders would say that this must be done by the time a child celebrates his/her 1st birthday. They also say that whatever thing  had been chosen reflects the personality of the child. Four things were given on me, a pen, paper, rosary, 20 peso bill. I chose the pen first then the bill. Ooooh what was that meant? Hmmm.. I don't have an idea but seeing my life as it goes on, I would take it as a good sign :).

          Rizal has this festival called “Higantes.” I’m not so sure but I think my mother was the one carrying me for me to see the parade. Higantes is the celebration of San Clemente (patron of fishermen) where there were giant paper mache-sculpted people, marching bands and dancers or people walking with a fisherman outfit look with their “sagwans” on. Because I’m just a kid, people would think that I might be afraid of the “giants” but I’m not. I dont’t know, maybe, though I’m young, I can see the joy and happiness of the event. Hehe ^^D I had fun witnessing this festival. Aside from the liveliness and smiling faces, it's also my first time to see a fiesta as great as this.

          Besides living in Angono, I also stayed in Binangonan (where my relatives live). We can't afford nannies before so Lola Sonia took care of me. I love her so much, right now I miss her aaawwww :'(. Everyday was always like a happy day there. Play here, cry there, crash! It's like there's no room for sadness because of  the people i see. One morning, my lola took me to a karinderya (mini fast food chain) near their house to eat breakfast. She ordered a lugaw (rice soup) for me. 

"Lola bakit may chocolate?"

I curiously asked. At first she's like "huh?" then eventually she laughed. All I've known was that the "chocolate" I'm talking about is a chicken's liver for real! I wasn't laughing that time because I don't know anything but now, every time I would recall, I always do. HAHA =)) I tasted it but didn't like it so my grandmother ordered a champorado instead. Whoo! I love that karinderya.

          Lastly, why would I forget Rizal? I have had my first embarrassing moment there! ... Interested? Well, here it goes. We were on a clan outing. I remember that I was wearing a red two-piece swim suit. I was in the pool already then I had discovered something. How about jumping into the pool? It’s like diving unprofessionally, you know, for some sort of observational learning. I was young then so I tried it with the help of my mother. Splash! I come out of the water CRYING. My mother was bothered. My relatives were like ‘why what happen?’. Then I touch my head. It was not only “Splash!” but it must be “Splash! Boog!” My head was bumped at the concrete. I was able to jump but not far enough. Epic Fail! They said. Until now I can’t forget it and I keep on laughing about it. In fact, I have a picture of it. 

           I'm loaded of memories in Rizal. How I wish I could visit there again. 


Saturday, September 18, 2010

What is a Hometown?

What is a HOMETOWN?

             Usually, people consider a place to be their hometown because it's their birthplace, a place they have grown to, it's their province etc. We have different considerations of what a hometown is as for my father he said that his hometown would be Pangasinan because it's where his ancestors live. I agree to these claims but for me it's not just a place you lived by.

          A hometown for me is a place where you first see the goodness of living. It's a place that no matter how short or long you had stayed it will keep in your mind and heart its contributions in molding you as yourself. A hometown is a place that will always be marked in you.

These were few of my chosen topics for my hometown "Rizal."

  • the "pantalan/daungan" (mini sea gulf)
  • maybe some foods :P 
  • my first communities (Binangonan & Angono)
  • the Higantes Festival

-Cha :)