Tuesday, October 26, 2010

OEC Evaluation.. :)

OEC Evaluation.. :)

Outbound Education Class Evaluation

Intramuros Tour entitled "Walk This Way" by Carlos Cedran
October 23, 2010
English Class, section 3
Prof. Dianne Siriban

1.) Were the OEC's objective met? (Had it been effective in inspiring you and give you ideas as to how to accomplish your final output / set as model for research)

          Probably yes because it had given me some sort of ideas already but there were times that made me feel that it had gotten more complicated on to how I will do my final output (grin). I don't know maybe it's just me that made it difficult but all in all the tour's objective helped me. :)

2.) Did the OEC meet / exceed your expectations? Explain how or why?

          Yes, I never knew Carlos Cedran was such a great tour guide and I didn't expect it. The tour was fun and very informative. Every route stop had my attention. It's my first OEC and it didn't fail my expectations. I thought we would explore the whole Intramuros but it's okay, Celdran's voice and sense of humor gave it all. I just wished that it's longer because by that time I didn't notice that it's the end already.

3.) What aspects of the OEC did you enjoy or benefit most? What aspects did you not?

           Actually all parts, even though it's getting hot and exhausting. I feel sorry for myself because sometimes I wasn't able to understand what Celdran is saying because of either I'm sweating, there's noise, he's too fast or I'm just out of my mind but I enjoyed the tour a lot starting from the tour guide himself, the not-so-bad new route, the kalesa ride, the halo-halo treat up to the van were I can feel the tiredness of my fellow blockmates. Too bad I can't make wild inside because they're sleeping and I feel so wasted too. :)

4.) What suggestions for improvement or consideration can you give for future OEC's?

           I suggest that maybe the future English 1 classes may have OEC's in other places that would really make the students feel how great a hometown is or it can be a road trip to nearby provinces in Luzon so that they would compare and contrast or gain more knowledge to other hometowns. Only food, gas, transpo would be the budget. It's like Dora the Explorer adventure hehe :) and ONE MORE THING .. maximize the time :) because it may only happen, I think, once, for some.

5.) Rank or rate this activity in comparison to other OEC's or alternative classes you have had so far in DLSC? (1 being the lowest or least remarkable/helpful and 5 being excellent or most helpful in terms of relevant learning)

           It's my first time to have a OEC so for now I will rank the overall tour 4. :)
           3 - time
           5 - educational/information
           5 - fun
           4 - weather
           4 - van/transportation
           4 - van's atmosphere / people's craziness
           3 - SPICY Beef Teriyaki! (my fault)

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