Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Pin - Up Pretties!

Pin-Up Pretties! 

Wait! I'm not a fashion blogger :p

Last July 26. I, together with the Tripod Society team, had a photo shoot at Georgia Club in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. It's one of the organization's highlight activity. The theme of the shoot is "pin-up." You know? nautical with kind of "modernized" Marilyn Monroe style. 

I'm in my Junior year already and it's been 3 years since I thought of being a member of "Tripod Society" - a college organization of our school for aspiring film makers, photographers, creative writers, graphic designers and models. Now... 

*tan tana nan!* I'm officially a member, under the label of "photographer." 

Fortunate to be part of this activity, I made sure that I'll have fun... and I succeed!. Of course, the activity not only served as an experience and practice for what I like doing, which is taking photos, it also made me feel great because I was able to work, be a student leader and made new friends at the same time.

So enough of that. Here are samples of photos I've taken. 

Ahn Gotidoc
Ahn Gotidoc

Christine Fojas
Christine Fojas

Danna Raymundo
Danna Raymundo

Julia Cartago
Julia Cartago

Louise Fabie
Louise Fabie

Olive Sevilla
Olive Sevilla

Pau Hernandez
Pau Hernandez

presenting the Frosh! Louise, Yani, Charlegne and Julia :)
presenting the Frosh! :) (LaSallian's term for freshmen) 
Louise, Yani, Charlegne and Julia

Danna, Tin, Kat and Paul. I love these girls!
special mention to my ever crazy friends: Danna, Tin, Kat and Paul. They used to make me "the model" but now bwuhahaha I was able to do my thing. I love these girls!

Behind the scenes :)
Behind the scenes :)

The Team

Ahn Gotidoc
Charlegne Ramos
Christine Fojas
Danna Raymundo
Julia Cartago
Kat Albano
Louise Fabie
Olive Sevilla
Pau Hernandez
Yani Abonado

Hair and Make-up artists:
Ahn Gotidoc
Cath Abdon
Christine Fojas
Jaemy Mejia

Cath Abdon
Jolo Villegas
Keisha Garcia
Pio Bleza
Regie Hizon
Renz Jaberina

Special thanks to Sir Percy for accompanying us even if the heat's tremendous!

For my Facebook friends, you can check out other photos here http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4325708620356.184949.1216354098&type=3

smile for me! :)
'Till next photo shoot!

-Cha :)

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