Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Social Media Galore!

Social Media Galore!

Once, I thought, it would be nice to share something that you worked (hard) on. I remember one of my professor told me (well, the class) that it's good to build an "online image" by posting your works through various medium depending on the type of work. 


Hurrrraaayyy for Social Media! 

I've been using some before, like Facebook for example, although it's a private one but I decided to make an account to more... so here they are:

We are all familiar with YouTube right? The home of new born stars haha... 
Well, I have couple of videos to share so yeah, there! 
Subscribe guys! ;) 

Another video sharing site?! I know but I wanted to have a separate account for videos I made/edited and stuff. Also, I've seen and heard good feeds on the features and services of Vimeo so I bet there's nothing wrong in signing up. 
For now, there's just one video uploaded in this account but you might as well want to check my future uploads and follow me. :)

Well, I'm also new to this. I love music.. I partly know how to sing.. I mix/arrange.. I play instruments.. and most of all I would like to share it. PERFECT SITE! 
Btw, you could really listen to good quality music here. Follow and listen? ;) 

Pin all you want! It's like an online cork board. I rarely pin stuff but I have some "repins" on my board that interest me -- well I think that's how they got the name of the site. Fashion, DIY, food, photos, name it! It's all on the virtual boards. Interesting?

Your daily dose of short thoughts! 
If you can understand me (Filipina here haha!) feel free to follow me :)

Side note: I'm using Tweetdeck for my tweets. You may organize your tweets or people or hashtags you follow plus manage your Twitter accounts (if you have many). There's also a desktop application available. Of course, you may want to keep track of your friends' or important people's tweets! :)

Last but not the least is Blogger of course! I may not be regularly blogging but I share some great experiences of mine through my posts here :) 

Woooo! That's quite a lot (nilubos lang siguro dahil libre). Now I guess I should take more effort in managing and updating them. 

Meet you at these sites? 

-Cha :)

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